

Do you have all your dreams and desires defined, but you can’t seem to make consistent progress in every direction all at once?


Do you feel like something is missing in your life, relationships or your career, even though you cannot quite put your finger on it?


Do you feel restricted by your family, friends, community, or own perception of yourself so you cannot fully live and express yourself the way you desire?


Join the Yum Tantra Evolution Retreat and experience the fullness of your being!


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Do you have all your dreams and desires defined, but you can’t seem to make consistent progress in every direction all at once?


Do you feel like something is missing in your life, relationships or your career, even though you cannot quite put your finger on it?


Do you feel restricted by your family, friends, community, or own perception of yourself so you cannot fully live and express yourself the way you desire?


Join the Yum Tantra Evolution Retreat and experience the fullness of your being!

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yumschool tantra retreat mexico
yumschool tantra retreat mexico

The workshop will take place in the beautiful Shambalanté Retreat Center in Yucatán, México. It is located in the Heart of a Sacred Land, immersed in the jungle, where the Mayans left a powerful legacy of healing at a vibrational level. Shambalanté can be reached within 1 hour from Merida Airport and 3.5 hours from Cancun Airport. The Center is surrounded by the jungle and tropical gardens, rich with a wide variety of flora and fauna.

With these gorgeous accommodations, lush gardens, a pool and delicious plant-based and self-harvested meals you will be in bliss! 🌴☀️

yumschool tantra retreat mexico

You’ll enter deep into the sacred Mexican jungle, far away from any stressors of daily life. You’ll see the sign Shambalante and know you’ve arrived. You’ll relax into the peacefulness of the trees. You’ll tune into the energy left behind from thousands of years of Mayan prayers to bless the land. You’ll swim in the beautiful pool. You’ll fall asleep listening to the soothing sounds of the jungle.

yumschool tantra retreat mexico
yumschool tantra retreat mexico
yumschool tantra retreat mexico
yumschool tantra retreat mexico
yumschool tantra retreat mexico

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"I made a shift in how I love my body."

It used to be just a body and I hated it. When I looked in the mirror this morning, it was for the first time in my life that I acutally liked what I saw and I loved my body.
~ Barbera

"I feel so grateful."

I recommend this activity for those who want to find a different way to approach their relationships, with others, but mostly with themselves.
~ Mau

"I feel freedom to be myself."

They created a really safe space for all to explore ourselves in differnt ways. I feel freedom to be myself, to move my body and share my words.
~ Katie


"It’s not that life is ever perfect.
It’s that you get to a point where you receive so much from any possible scenario life throws at you, that as long as you’re living, it seems like life is perfect. And then you can just surrender to life, because you know it will all be perfect anyway."

- Harrison Yum

The Yum Tantra Evolution Retreat

There's a version of you that you think you might want to be. A 'you' that your soul calls for you to be. One you believe to offer you a better life, but you’re not sure you’re ready to become that person. At the Yum Tantra Evolution, you enter a container built around the feeling of safety and comfort, you're offered a process to put down your armor, your masks, your shields and get to experience what it would be like to be that person your soul calls for you to be, and then, when its all said and done, you decide who you want to be.

The Person Who Wants More

The Evolution Retreat is for the person who wants more out of life. Maybe they’ve achieved a level of success, maybe they haven’t even pursued achievement, but they know that there's more out there. More freedom to be themselves, more love to give and receive, more joy in every moment, more connection to their soul and their sex, and maybe even more achievement & money that comes from a place of alignment with their soul.

Change is Scary

The challenge is that the person we currently are is all we know and while we might believe that there may be something more out there for us, it's scary to risk everything that we know for something unknown.

Here it is Safe

We understand the predicament. We have come to that point of wanting change and faced the scary moment of releasing the old self. That's why at the Yum Tantra Evolution, we offer you a taste of who you can be - a try before you buy - and then offer you the space to choose what parts of this person you want to bring home with you and what parts you want to leave behind.


8 AM - 9 AM
Active Meditation

9 AM - 10 PM

10 PM - 1 PM

1 PM - 3 PM

3 PM - 6 PM

6 PM - 8 PM

8 PM - 10 PM

10 PM - 11 PM
Celebration & Connection


8 AM - 9 AM
Active Meditation

9 AM - 10 PM

10 PM - 1 PM

1 PM - 3 PM

3 PM - 6 PM

6 PM - 8 PM

8 PM - 10 PM

10 PM - 11 PM
Celebration & Connection



  • Learn what Tantra is
  • Learn about the code we live by to create a Tantric life
  • How Tantra can be used to help you discover and create the most powerful version of you
  • Release the masks you wear that prevent you from having the life you want
  • Transform your relationship with your body
  • Experience a Sex Magic Manifestation Ritual!


  • Practice to become unphased by manipulation
  • Become comfortable saying no or yes to anyone or anything
  • Learn tools to instantly release dense states of being like procrastination, depression, and anger in any moment
  • Find out the people or things in your life that are constantly draining your energy and release these attachments at once
  • Learn tools for conscious communication and conscious connection
  • Release decades of shame and guilt around your sexuality!


  • Go through an intense process that will bring you closer to enlightenment
  • Learn in depth the differences between masculine and feminine energy and how they are instrumental to become a more effective leader and lover
  • Learn how to master relating to yourself and others
  • Find true inner confidence to do anything you want
  • Release all need for permission or validation from others
  • Go through a practice that helped two of our participants have the best sex of their life that night (when they were back in their room)


  • Learn how to quiet your inner critic in any moment
  • Learn how to get more of what you want from your body (energy, joy, pleasure, productivity)
  • Release deep levels of shame that keep you up at night
  • Learn how to make the right decisions and always know what to do in every moment
  • Experience a deep integration process so that what you learn here isn’t just an experience, but becomes part of your being


  • Open your mind, body and soul - Ian
  • Find freedom to be yourself - Katie
  • Strip layers of guilt and shame - Cassie
  • Overcome trauma in such a real approach - Silvana
  • Feel an acceptance of your being - Simon
  • Learn tools to stay centered - Cassie
  • Fall in love with your body - Barbera
  • Improve communication with you partner - Denise
  • Become deeply connected to your emotions - Irene
  • Feel yourself being aligned with your soul - Serkan
  • Leave your soul feeling shiny & light again - Diana
  • Feel like a new person with a new sense of purpose - Jason



We start the retreat by building a container together in which everyone feels safe and comfortable to allow suppressed parts of themselves to come out.


Once you feel completely safe in the space, now you get to experiment. Try on new ways of being, and see how it feels without any obligation to change who you are.


Now that you’ve explored different parts of yourself, choose which parts you want to keep to bring home with you and leave behind the parts you don’t.

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"I feel like a new person."

It feels like a weight has been lifted off of my chest and body. I feel light and born again. I feel like a new person, with a new sense of purpose and perspective .
~ Jason

"It was magical."

It was magical and life changing, I would do it in a heartbeat again. I discovered such a self-confidence in romance, business and other relationships.
~ Olga

"I feel an acceptance of being."

It was very transformative and healed me very much. Now I feel this silence inside me, an acceptance of being.
~ Simon

Who are the Yum's?

Harrison & Alisa Yum met in the middle of their tantric journeys at a tantra retreat in Rome.

They Instantly connected and inspired each other deeper in the realms of tantra and healing.

Since then Alisa & Harrison Yum have spent more than 7000 hours in tantric spaces. Together, they have hosted over 70 workshops and retreats as founders of the Yum School, transforming the lives of thousands of participants. Most importantly, though, you can feel it in their energy that they live this work every day of their life.

Harrison & Alisa combine their backgrounds in science, clinical psychology, business, health, sex & relationship coaching, and personal development with their 5 lineages and package it all into transformative and uniquely life-changing healing experiences.


"Those 4 days changed my life and I found myself. I finally found truly Irina, that little girl. I found her needs, her fears, her desires, dreams and passion. I found this little QUEEN… inside me.

I REALIZED how strong and soft I can be at the same time. And this is an amazing feeling for me.

I really need to thank Harrison and Alisa for their work, they are doing life changing things!"

- Irina (

"Thank You Alisa and Harrison for letting me experience this extraordinary life changing retreat.

Stepping out of my comfort zone was uncomfortable at the beginning, but it was definitely worth it!

Would not have wanted to miss one minute. Looking forward to the next retreat."

- Olivier

I was a little bit afraid, because I didn't know what was going to happen. Harrison and Alisa provided so much safety that it really feels that I could be myself!

I made a shift in how I love my body. It used to be just a body and I hated it. When I looked in the mirror this morning, it was for the first time in my life that I acutally liked what I saw and I loved my body.

- Barbera

I would SO do it again.

I still feel the positive effects. I feel lighter, more balanced and better in tune with my self .

It is such an act of self love to do the retreat!

- Jesper

What makes this retreat special?

We don’t believe in hierarchy. We believe every person brings their own unique essence that is essential to the transformation of each other person in the group.

Prepare to feel seen, honored, loved, accepted and acknowledged for being the divine being you already are.
When you enter the retreat space you’ll find that you don’t have to put on a mask or act a certain way to be a part of the group. You’ll find that you will be accepted exactly as you are by the most wonderful group of people. You’ll be invited to show your true essence and vulnerability and be showered with love and celebration for this authentic version of yourself.
We believe that to be the key to true transformation, healing, and change.

When you enter the retreat space, you’re not going to find false gurus high on their own supply. You’ll find two beings, sharing their own vulnerability and journey, engaging with the group, joining the practices they so love, and being fully committed to the spiritual path of tantra for themselves. They’ll want nothing more than to see you flourish, heal, and find your own personal truths on your journey of self-discovery, intimacy, and becoming your fullest self!

Entrance to Your Evolution

NOTE: Food and accommodations booked separately after securing your spot.

1 Evolution Entrance Ticket

  • Includes access to the Jan 4-7 workshop for 1 person ($697 value)
  • Does not include food or accommodation
  • Super Early Bird (sold out)
  • Early Bird (sold out)



Early Bird: 2 Evolution Entrance Tickets

  • Includes access to the Jan 4-7 workshop for 2 people ($1,397 value)
  • Does not include food or accommodations
  • Partner discount ($350 off)
  • Super Early Bird (sold out)
  • Early Bird (sold out)



Need a payment plan? Please contact us here

Food & Accommodations for Individuals

NOTE: Participants must stay at the venue. You will receive the booking link after submitting your deposit.

Shared Room + Meals

  • Includes Shared Accommodation for 1 ($200)
  • Includes Food for 1 ($200)
  • Includes transportation to and from the airport for 1 ($100)
  • Does not include entrance to the retreat

$499 USD

Private Room + Meals

  • Includes Private Accommodation for 1 ($550)
  • Includes Food for 1 ($200)
  • Includes transportation to and from the airport for 1 ($100)
  • Does not include entrance to the retreat

$849 USD

Food & Accommodations for Pairs

NOTE: Participants must stay at the venue. You will receive the booking link after submitting your deposit.

Shared Room + Meals for 2

  • Includes 1 bed in a Shared Accommodation ($200)
  • Includes Food for 2 ($400)
  • Includes transportation to and from the airport for 2 ($200)
  • Does not include entrance to the retreat


Private Room + Meals for 2

  • Includes Private Accommodation for 2 ($550)
  • Includes Food for 2 ($400)
  • Includes transportation to and from the airport for 2 ($200)
  • Does not include entrance to the retreat

$1,149 USD


Frequently Asked Questions

Are All Tantra Retreats The Same?

An emphatic “No”.

Tantra has started to become very mainstream over the last years. Therefore, ‘Tantra’ is unfortunately sometimes only used as a buzz word. Many tantra retreats are unsafe, hyper-sexual, or focus solely on very light and shallow practices that don't represent Tantra very well.

At the Yum Tantra Evolution retreat, we put a lot of thought, effort and time into creating a safe space to go very deep into the transformational work. Tribe members who join our retreats often tell us how safe, seen, accepted and loved they felt in our container, which therefore transformed their life at a speed and intensity they have never transformed before.

I Want to Come But I'm Scared.

Don’t worry, that’s very common. There might be a part of you that feels a real calling to join us but there’s probably also a part of you that’s scared. The latter is often the part that's coming up with a million excuses as to why it's a bad idea. That part, your ego, is doing what it is designed to do: to protect you from the unfamiliar. Coming to our retreat seems threatening to your ego, because we'll actively try to release the parts of our egos that are holding us back in our lives.

We are very conscious about creating a safe and sacred container in our retreats, in which any doubts or fears will be heard and addressed. You will never be forced to participate in anything you don’t like, we are always here to talk about your fears and we are trained to support you through anything you might experience. You still want to talk to us beforehand to calm your nerves? Simply schedule a call with us and we’ll be happy to help!

Is Tantra Only About Sex?

Not at all. Tantra is a spiritual path rooted in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy to guide you to find and express your most authentic, conscious and divine self. Tantra is considered a study of energies, so there are practices that involve wakening up the life-force or kundalini energy inside of us through sexual connection but it is not at all defined by sexuality alone. Discovering your connection to spirit can be practiced without sexual intimacy or can even be done by yourself.

What Will We Do?

We hear this question a lot before our retreats. We offer a safe space with guided practices for self-exploration. One reason we don’t offer the exact program is because part of your experience is becoming comfortable with uncertainty. It is one of life’s greatest skills and something that you need to master to create the life of your dreams. The other reason we don’t offer the programming is because many people at the end of the retreats tell us that if they knew what we were going to do, they may not have been interested, but thank god they came because they have a completely new life.

What Is Tantra?

Tantra is the most ancient current system for self-discovery and self-understanding. It is a system of tools that help you release all of this baggage you carry with you from your upbringing, your programming and your culture.

Tantra provides you with tools to release all of this programming to find your true, authentic self and start living your life in a way that you can fill up with infinite energy. This energy will provide you with more joy, pleasure, freedom, love and inner power in your life.

Can I Attend Less Days?

The retreat is a highly crafted, very specific, 4-day journey that continues to build on itself to take you from your current life to the creation of your dream life. If you miss any of the 4 days the journey would be incomplete and the magic might not be happening.

Also, we take great care to set up a safe container in the beginning and we believe that it might disrupt the container if participants arrived and left at different times. Therefore, we ask that if you attend the retreat, you attend all 4 days, so that you go home fully evolved!

What If I Don't Feel Safe To Participate In Certain Exercises?

In a Yum Tantra event you will never be pressured to go beyond your boundaries. Every practice and exercise is an invitation to explore further and deeper, but it is always your choice. We will always promote you to go into yourselves and listen very closely where your boundaries are. You are always encouraged to state your concerns and boundaries and they will always be honored.
This can take different forms regarding your concerns: you might want to go less far as the exercise was explained, switch your partner, do an exercise alone or not do it at all.
Whatever feels good and safe for you, is exactly how you should participate in the practice.

Is Tantra Only For Couples?

Tantra as a spiritual path is first and foremost an individual journey to discover and transform yourself. The priority is always about your own growth, even if you are attending as a couple. Only if you allow your own transformation to take place are you able to also grow and strengthen your relationships.
However, if you are in a relationship, you are more than welcome to attend with your partner and enjoy this experience together. It is a beautiful opportunity to expand your understanding of your partner, see them move through a transformation and deepen your intimacy.
If you attend as a couple, you are, of course, always free to choose whether you want to practice an exercise with your partner or not.

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+1 (619) 693-8527